Stores for Mass Effect 3 are the stores from where you can buy gear, such as Armor or Weapons, and a wider array of things. This time around, you buy directly from terminals, there are no longer merchants taking care of the transactions. In order to buy something from a terminal, you need buy_logo_store_mass_effect_3_wiki_guidecredits. Credits can be earned by completing Missions, finding datapads or searching throughout the galaxy.

Alliance Requisitions

Alliance Requisitions can be accessed through the Procurement Interface in the Shuttle Bay of the Normandy. By the Alliance Requisitions terminal you can purchase anything from the shops you have visited around the galaxy. This comes with a drawback, any item will come with a 10% price markup.


All Mass Effect 3 Merchants

There are 11 Stores that can you can buy from in Mass Effect 3, 9 of them are available in the base game, while the other two, require DLC in order to be unlocked  you can learn about them in the following table.




Aegohr Munitions

Presidium Commons (Citadel) It is the right shop on the upper level of Meridian Place Market

Batarian State Arms

Docks: Holding Area Located in Cargo Hold: C

Cipitrine Armory

Presidium Commons (Citadel) It is the left shop on the upper level of Meridian Place Market

Elkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies

Presidium Commons (Citadel) In the bank area, near Barla Von

Kanala Exports

Presidium Commons (Citadel) It can be along the same wall as the elevator in the bank area.

Kassa Fabrication

Presidium Commons (Citadel) It is the right shop on the lower level of Meridian Place Market

Nos Astra Sporting Goods

Presidium Commons (Citadel) It is the left shop on the upper level of Meridian Place Market.

Sirta Supplies

Huerta Memorial Hospital It can be found parallel to the reception desk in the Patient Lounge.

Spectre Requisitions

Citadel Embassies It is the right terminal, inside the Spectre Office.

Harrot's Emporium

Aria's Bunker Requires the Omega DLC

Home Spun

Silversun Strip Requires the Citadel DLC


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